Apr 24, 2012 | Quotes

Cooperation, Support and Compassion; Positive Role Models and Mentoring; Increased Community Capacity and Caring   “I appreciate what you are doing for the young people in this community because it bridges the gap between the elder generation and it passes a common knowledge of the world. It gives youth an understanding of how their actions affect everything […]

Cooperation, Support and Compassion; Positive Role Models and Mentoring; Increased Community Capacity and Caring


  • “I appreciate what you are doing for the young people in this community because it bridges the gap between the elder generation and it passes a common knowledge of the world. It gives youth an understanding of how their actions affect everything around them.” (YERI Participant #96)
  • “Every place I went I felt valued. Everyone I’ve met through the different organizations and societies were very welcoming and supportive. Everyone was very nice and I felt I wasn’t treated just as some kid tagging along. I felt people were taking me seriously and this has been a wonderful experience; I definitely think I have learned a lot.” (YERI Participant #214)
  • “Another cool part of going to the fish hatchery was working with all the old guys that give their time to the fish. It’s like a clan of salmon grandpas. They were very sweet and funny and easy to be around. I have a lot of respect for those guys and I know they appreciated my help. It feels good to be part of something big, the community and the ecosystem.” (YERI Participant #237)
