In 2018 YER will have Carswell Film carswellfilm.ca create a video about the program. This video will need to be filmed during the spring, summer and fall to follow the youth participants through their seasonal work. YER is fundraising to cover the video costs of $5,000.00. The first $1,000.00 contribution came from Courtenay & District Fish and Game Protective Association courtenayfishandgame.org at their April 9th monthly meeting when a cheque was presented to Wendy Kotilla.
Posted in the Courtenay & District Fish and Game Protective Association, Fish and Game News for 12 April 2018
The Courtenay and District Fish & Game Protective Association presented a cheque for $1000 to Wendy Kotilla, creator and Program Coordinator for the Youth & Ecological Restoration Program in the Comox Valley. The program provides vulnerable youth aged twelve to eighteen with one-on-one work experience through ecological restoration methods. Youth participants are involved with restoring local watersheds and ecosystems. They work with and receive mentoring from environmental organizations and volunteers. YER helps vulnerable youth build healthy community relationships. For more information about YER, contact Wendy Kotilla at 250-336-8487 or email wkotilla@shaw.ca.
Website is www.youthecology.ca
Photo: Left to Right is VP Gail Eggiman, Wendy Kotilla, Founder of YER and Wayne White, Conservation Chair